You'll Need 4 x Cones, 2 x Balls, 2 x Feeders Set Up With two lines of players starting beside the goal post, set up the drill as per the diagram with one cone at the top of the goal circle, and the second placed in line with the first but closer to the sideline. Feeders should be placed in the centre of both transverse lines, with one on each. How To The same instructions apply to both queues of players - this drill is its own mirror image! Using the colours on the diagram: The first red player JOGS towards the red cone at the top of the goal circle, SIDE STEPS to the second red cone and SPRINTS forward to receive the ball on or near the transverse line from the white feeder. They continue their run and release the ball to the second feeder on the furthest transverse line from their starting place. They can then continue to RUN/JOG back to the end of the blue queue. Once the feeders have the balls back, the second players in the queues can start, and so on...
Changing speed - steady start to jog, quick feet on sidestep, and explosive start to sprint for the ball Footwork - extended footwork on receipt and release of ball
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