Gymnastics: shoulder knee

shoulder knee DRILLS
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Lifting from Lower back and Fl...

Starting situation. A, standing upright, side on to the face of B. One flexed knee raised. B face on to the side of A. Inside hand takes the lower back of A. The outside hand, palm upwards, takes the flexed knee of A. Grip. Becomes a variation of cradle supporting. B places palm of the inside hand on the lower back of A. This becomes a lifting force. The palm of the outside hand, "upwards", is placed under the raised knee of A. This becomes a lifting and a turning force. A places their inside hand on the inside shoulder of B. Works when gymnast A stands side on to the inside shoulder of B, and at a right angle to B. Gymnast A raises one flexed leg; (same leg as the side the support is standing) and places their inside hand on the inside shoulder of B, to stabilise the take off. Gymnast B pushes the palm of their inside hand onto the lower back of A. The outside hand grips under the knee joint of the raised leg of A. Gymnast A, at take off , flexes the supporting leg and co-ordinates :- 1. A powerful vertical hop. 2. A push down on the inside shoulder of B. 3. A swing of the free arm "forward and up". 4. A pull back of the head to "look for the floormat". Gymnast B co-ordinates with A on the timing of the take off and :- 1. Lifts, pushes upwards and supports with the inside hand (or arm across ) the lower back. 2. Lifts and turns gymnast A with the outside hand, from under the flexed knee of A. At the top of the take off, gymnast A sees the floormat early and pulls into a Tuck shape, to rotate backwards. Gymnast B holds on to A with the inside support hand, (or arm across the back) to help A to control their landing.


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