Use our expert plans or build your own using our library of over 700+ drills, and easy-to-use tools.
Hi, what would you consider a good fitness battery of 10 fitness tests of both health and skill related for a European handball athlete?
Just an example.
You can also choose other drills if you like or add 3 more to get your 10 station circuit.
After a good warming-up have your players divided into groups of 2/3 players.
Create 7 stations for the several skills.
Work on time which means have players do the drills for 30-45- or 60 seconds at their maximum speed.
After having done the drill, move clockwise to the next drill.
If you have the same order of drills listed below, then players use different body parts and skills with every new drill.
Have players make notes about their scores.
You can repeat the test after a few weeks of training and compare the scores.
1. dribbling
Cones 10 mtrs apart, dribble around the cones.
How many times did you completely cover this stretch?
2. throwing
Thick mat put up vertically against a wall. At 5 mtrs distance a cone. Throw as many times as hard as you can against the mat. Get the ball and throw again.
How many times did you throw?
3. fast feet
4 cones in a square, 3 mtrs apart.
Start at a cone, move right sideward to the cone next to you, sprint forward to the cone in front, move sideward left and finally move backwards to the first cone again.
How many times did you completely cover this stretch?
4. belly
Lie on the floor with a medicine ball, stretched arms. Sit up and throw the ball with both arms to a partner and receive it back again.
How many times did you throw?
5. sprint
Cones 15 mtrs apart. Sprint around the cones.
How many times did you throw?
6. jumping
Stand straight, bent your knees and touch the floor with both hands and jump up completely stretched out, hand up high and stretched.
How many times did you jump?
7. back
Lie on the floor on your belly with a medicine ball holding in your hands. come up a bit and throw the ball with both arms to a partner and receive it back again.
How many times did you throw?
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Use our expert plans or build your own using our library of over 700+ drills, and easy-to-use tools.