Excellent site with easy to navigate pages.
Hi has anyone got a good warm up routine for a under 18 team before a match?
hiDoes anyone have any drill for corners, free kicks etc for under 12s
I am coaching two U12 boys groups. They have minimal training in the past, I have worked on dribbling and passing. Just starting 1 v 1s. I am training now in a gym, was wondering if any one had any drills that would work with approx. 15 kids?
what is the best corner kick drill to practice attack vs defence?
how to make our first plan for kids
What is a good drill to teach kids to mark up in the box when on the recieiving end of a corner. And how to get hem to use there head a lot more Asked using Sportplan Mobile App
How can I put my created drill into a folder?
How do I save a drill to a specific folder? Thank you Asked using Sportplan Mobile App
How do I add a drill to clipboard or session plan
how can I design my own plan or can I
what does it mean that the ball is switched after 4 passes?
How do I print or export drills?
what is the best corner kick drill to practice attack vs defence?
Which drills are the best for working on set pieces for under 11s? Asked using Sportplan on Mobile
Does anyone have any good corner set pieces for 7 a side U11 team (short or long). Have a tournament coming up most games finish 0-0. i think if we can get a goal or two from corners it will be enough to get us close to winning. Thanks Dean
Disciplining for misbehaviour? 8-11 year olds, they dont really get bored because i know that sometimes that can be the cause. How or what can i apply a bit of strictness into the team.
in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.