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Disciplining for misbehaviour during practice?

Disciplining for misbehaviour? 8-11 year olds, they dont really get bored because i know that sometimes that can be the cause. How or what can i apply a bit of strictness into the team.

Archived User Coach

Who will win the 2014 FIFA World Cup?

In your opinion who will win this year, and why? Feel free to vote with both your heart and your head

Sportplan Team Coach, United Kingdom

iPad app will not come off update window can't get in?

I pad won't come off hockey up date window

Archived User Coach

Best Coaching Equipment?

Me and my team did a fundraiser over the past couple of weeks, and have raised quite a lot of money on which to spend on our individual squad. Mine are under 8's, and I'm looking for some ideas on what the best equipment you think is most beneficial to my age group?We're currently in 5 a-side, but going up into 7 a-side the beginning of next season. I've got a talented group of players who I believe will excel in any way I coach them, it's just I'd like some pieces of equipment - stuff like training nets, rebounders etc. - in order to put them onto more advanced methods.No worries about price limits, just let me know. Ta!

Oliver Perkins Coach, England

development over success?

I have just finished my first season coaching under 12's I coach them on Wednesday nights and the manager coaches on Fridays where I assist. When I came to the club at the tail end of last season, the subs were lucky if they got between 2-5 minutes on the pitch. My philosophy has always been to include every member of the team, especially with the role on role of rule.This seemed to work well this season, although one or two of the 'better' players didn't like coming off, but in the last game of the season, the manager had two subs, brought one on at half time and gave the other the last four minutes. ( We had a chance of finishing 4th in the league if results went for us, which they didn't and we ended up 5th) The subs that got 4 minutes was my son, which made it slightly harder for me to drive the point home that we needed to get him on.How do I encourage a philosophy where by everyone plays? because my son has said that if the team 'goes back to the old ways' he will not want to play anymore.

Steve ODonoghue Coach, England

How can I save sessions of the week for later use?

Archived User Coach

How do I use My Team?

Archived User Coach

Having trouble with Behavouir management can anyone help?

Hello all am fairly new coach this is my first season coaching u10 team an currently having trouble managing behaviour anyone got any advice for reigning in trouble makers

Ron thomas Coach, England

Think the coach is the problem only issue is I am the coach

I took over a under 8s team 2 years ago unfortunately soccer is not my game and I did as there was no other option other than to fold. Im a good coach in terms of developing a good team (discipline, teamwork , sportsmanship fun etc) but I think my lack of knowledge about the game is holding the team back . I have a 12 players who are about to move up to the under 10s level , they skill level ranges from timid to very skilled, I try to give each player equal time and the lower skilled players are improving (just not at the same pace as the opposition). Unfortunately the opposition we face seem to be light years ahead in terms of playing a scheme and we are often found out during games (i have used a basic zone defense to try and stop the team becoming ball magnets). I think its a mixture of me insisting all players get equal playing time and the fact I dont know enough about the game to be able to coach an effective scheme and to react to opposition schemes. They are good kids and I want to give them a taste of success (you can only say it was bad luck so many times) but cant seem to get our club to take it to the next level. The drills on sportsplan are helpful but a lot of drills are too complicated for the kids age or can simply go wrong very quickly in reality. We dont get thrashed in games but we cant seem to eke out a draws or wins (I know its not all about winning but try explaining that to the kids when they lose on a regular basis)Any suggestions

Paul Coach, Wales

Best way for son to get more involved in matches

At home he is very good at everything but he doesn't get involved as much when matches are on. Is there any way of coaxing him to shoot and do what he does at home?

Chris Coach, Ireland

where are the team sheets?

Do you have team sheets available?

Nick Coach, Australia

Trying to give my daughter extra defending lessons at home.

My daughter players for a local U10 girls team as a defender but requires some extra training at home. Any good tips for practising in the garden with me.

Michael Jefferies Coach, England

What payment have you took from my account

You have take a payment from my account , what was it for ? Asked using Sportplan on Mobile Asked using Sportplan on Mobile

Neil Farnhill Coach, England

Skills at Home

Follow this series to challenge yourself or your players at home to learn these individual ball control skills. Got a different skill or have you mastered one of these? Let us know on the community and post it on this question feed!

Matt Morrison Coach, England

identifying new drills

how do I find out when new drills/practices have been added?it feels like there has been very little "new" stuff on here. thanks

Gareth richards Coach, England

5-6 Year olds- Participation in matches

hi Guys, i have a question about 5-6 year olds getting ready for next year when they start playing their football matches against other teams. i will use my son as an example,so i can use as a guide for some other parents in the team. average training is ball mastery and a trafficlight game and then into matches for the last half of the session. my sons ball mastery is as good as youd expect for a 5 year old and that always improves with repitition. my difficulty lies when we go into the matches. theres a lack of 'competitiveness' or confidence with my boy, compared to some of the other boys, skills-wise theyre on the same level, but the more confident boys will shine thru and theyre not nessesarily better, he has flashes in games where he will do good, drive with the ball, he is always involved, but im not sure if its confidence or maybe just not as good in the match situations. is there any advice that can be offered in terms of practice that we could work on at home?

Sammy Reen Coach, United Kingdom

Managing Substitutions u9s - 7...

Hi I have quite a large squad (11) for my U9s team. Sometimes not all of them turn up but when they do managing the substitutions can be a nightmare. Have tried planning it out and making 3 subs on a rotation every 6 or 7 minutes. This works OK, just wondered how others do it? Thanks! Asked using Sportplan Mobile App

Andrew Ellis Coach, England

Drills for 4 and 5 year olds |...

Hi all, I've just started coaching a soccer team of 4 and 5 year olds and would like to discuss with my fellow coaches any drills which you have found to be safe, fun and valuable to the younger age group. I have my level 1 course under my belt and have difficulty in applying what I've learnt to the small kids. They get bored very quickly and are only interested in playing a match at the end of the session. They have no interest in passing the ball or shooting at goal whilst doing drills. Running with the ball is no problem as they are keeping active and all have a ball at their feet. As soon as they line up or have to share a ball, there are problems. I have a variety of drills which I run through with them, traffic lights, robin hood, alamo, sharks and fishes to name a few with variations of each but I crave more as everywhere I search caters for U6 upwards. I coach an U8 side midweek and have no problem with these lads as they are that bit older and have a greater level of concentration. (not by much mind). So I'm asking for advice from anyone who has coached 4 and 5 YOs and would like to know what has worked for you. PM replies welcome.  Marc

Archived User Coach

Children misbehaving in traini...

Hello, I am currently coaching an u9's boys team and a majority of them are well behaved and want to play football, but the odd 1or2 tend to mess around at training which distracts the others. I have sat them out in training and spoken to the parents but still this goes on. Do I decide to kick them out of the team altogether or does anyone know the miracle cure to stop this happening?

duane Coach, England

U10 boys - How to build confid...

hi i coach a under 10's boys team.i am looking for help.unfortently we are not the best team around!all my player,s have not been playing long so we are a long way behind other teams we play i am trying to build conferdence on the ball at present they just wak it aways give up the balli am new to coaching and was wondering am i doing the right thing or should i be doing something else with them.

Archived User Coach


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What our users have been saying...

Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.

Excellent site with easy to navigate pages.

Lawrence Hanrahan England

The 'My Stuff' feature is amazing! It's a coach's best friend!

Thomas McArdle United Kingdom

Love the site, it's a fantastic learning tool!

Ian Mckellar America

Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

Monique New Zealand

I have been using Sportplan now for 3 years and can honestly say that I have never repeated the same session twice. My girls are always focused and are improving every year. Thanks Sportplan.

Debbie Cross Australia

What a fantastic tool. The Chalkboard and session tools make an unbelievable difference in making training plans in both time and organization. I will be instructing all of my assistant coaches that this tool must be used for all sessions during the season, so that we may build a club coaching resource library.

Wes Campbell Rugby Coach Canada

I can't get enough of the Sportplan, It has given me back the enthusiasm i was starting to lose. My girls are so keen and are ready at 14 to take the next up in their game. Sportplan will help no end.

Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


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