Excellent site with easy to navigate pages.
My goal keeper can't jump very well, any ideas how to improve this ?
Hi, I coach about 20-30 adults on half a full size astro turf pitch (which we only have for an hour so time is very limited). They are a decent ability and I'm just wondering if anyone has any creative ideas for either big group drills that keeps them all engaged or smaller drills that are easy to set up and they can rotate around. Thanks
Help, I coach over 35 6 year olds and am looking for new drills to keep them all entertained. They don't like standing in lines waiting to do things! Help!!! Cheers
What's the best exercises to warm up for football Asked using Sportplan on Mobile
Hi has anyone got a good fun football session for a large group of 30 kids. Mixed gender and mixed abilities. Session for about 45 minutes including a warm-up, skill, an finishing with games.
I am taking charge of a senior squad of 45 players to serve 3 senior teams : 1st team, reserve and an A team. We are planning to train together as one squad so to retain consistent message for each team. I would like advice on how to effectively organise a group of that size into a standard one and a half hour session, with a minimum of 3-4 coaches available, so that the players get the best out of the session and an effective objective for each session can be achieved.
does any one have any recommendations/advice on how to deal with Under 9's/10's when they play up and become disruptive? I had a session this week where one or 2 individuals made it almost impossible to carry on with the session. Obviously i don't want to cancel a session so looking for ways people have dealt with similar issues.
How do I improve the fitness levels of my under 9s team. Asked using Sportplan Mobile App
Please help, it is really urgent, even if its not the right answer at least you tried to help me, i would be very thankful. Please just write anything you think. Thank you.
I have made a rather large plan (circuits) and every time I try to print/pdf it, I get an error message "Maximum of three practices per row. Found: 4".I have checked many times and I don't have more than 3 practices in a section.Please Help! Getting very frustrated with it!
how long is it and how many people can you do it with
What activities work well for students aged 9-11? For some context I am a PhysEd teacher in Australia and classes consist of 25-30 students. Thanks!
Hi I have quite a large squad (11) for my U9s team. Sometimes not all of them turn up but when they do managing the substitutions can be a nightmare. Have tried planning it out and making 3 subs on a rotation every 6 or 7 minutes. This works OK, just wondered how others do it? Thanks! Asked using Sportplan Mobile App
I have been planning a sessions for 70-80 kids using 4 grids. Each grid has 1-2 coaches with 2-3 drills, then we rotate grids after 8-10 minutes. We have had success so far but are moving indoors and would love more ideas for drills. Each grid has 15-17 kids. They are U 7/8 co-ed and the session is one hour.
Hi all, I've just started coaching a soccer team of 4 and 5 year olds and would like to discuss with my fellow coaches any drills which you have found to be safe, fun and valuable to the younger age group. I have my level 1 course under my belt and have difficulty in applying what I've learnt to the small kids. They get bored very quickly and are only interested in playing a match at the end of the session. They have no interest in passing the ball or shooting at goal whilst doing drills. Running with the ball is no problem as they are keeping active and all have a ball at their feet. As soon as they line up or have to share a ball, there are problems. I have a variety of drills which I run through with them, traffic lights, robin hood, alamo, sharks and fishes to name a few with variations of each but I crave more as everywhere I search caters for U6 upwards. I coach an U8 side midweek and have no problem with these lads as they are that bit older and have a greater level of concentration. (not by much mind). So I'm asking for advice from anyone who has coached 4 and 5 YOs and would like to know what has worked for you. PM replies welcome. Marc
Team keep getting thrashed every week - where to start? Having been the sole coach/manager of a little league team for the past two years, this year I lost all my senior players. I was therefore presented with 10 brand new lads, some of whom have never played competitive football. We are 8 games in and my lads are getting thrashed every week. The main problems are that they cannot get the ball out of their half, positions are usually a mess, finishing and chance creation are non-existent, and they don't apply any pressure or are unable to tackle. The main problems are keeping the ball as a team, getting it in the opponents half and staying there, and creating/finishing chances. I only have 1 and a half hours a week with them. I don't really know what to do, and I'm a little desperate. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks for literally anything.
Disciplining for misbehaviour? 8-11 year olds, they dont really get bored because i know that sometimes that can be the cause. How or what can i apply a bit of strictness into the team.
hi i coach a under 10's boys team.i am looking for help.unfortently we are not the best team around!all my player,s have not been playing long so we are a long way behind other teams we play i am trying to build conferdence on the ball at present they just wak it aways give up the balli am new to coaching and was wondering am i doing the right thing or should i be doing something else with them.
I am a coach with a U12 girls team, we are having difficulty keeping them in their zones...they all rush to where the ball is and the other team passes into the open area and then socre.
in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.