Cricket: hitting

hitting DRILLS
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The back foot driving game

Setup the practice as shown. Coach throws on one knee. All fielders except the wicket keeper and the player backing up must stand on the boundary between the cones until the ball is bowled. (Coach keeps hold of the ball when feeding every so often, to check whether fielders are moving too early). The Ball must be driven towards the target area, along the ground, and not defended. It must pass the first set of cones or the batsman is out. The batsman must complete 2 runs after striking the ball. The ball must be hit in the V to score runs. If it is hit outside that area or behind the wicket the batsman is out. (Give younger players another feed.) The wicket keeper must take incoming throws to the stumps either side of the original ones. Off side shots must be thrown to stumps on the off side (safety) and likewise on the leg side. Scoring: (Batsman bat one at a time):4 runs if the ball is hit through the target area along the ground.2 runs if the ball is hit towards the boundary and the batsman completes 2 runs.Penalty runs 2 runs if a fielder stops the ball with his foot.1 run if a fielder move off the boundary too early.4 runs if the player backing up the wicket keeper misses the ball (when boundary is not hit). Ways of getting out: Bowled, caught, stumped, run out (no LBW). Also: not completing 2 runs after hitting the ball (unless boundary is hit); hitting the ball outside the V; not hitting the ball past the first set of cones; hitting the ball over the fielders on the boundary.

Conditioned games

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hitting ANSWERS
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How to stop my U12s using their bottom hand and hitting the ball up?

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Archived User Coach

Hi,i am facing problem when i hit the shot in air and?

Hi,i am facing problem when i hit the shot in air and it is catched on boundary...

Archived User Coach

what are the ways to stop getting the ball in the air?

what are the ways to stop getting the ball in the air as a batsman?

Archived User Coach

How to advance down the pitch and hit over cover?

How to advance down the pitch and hit over cover?

Archived User Coach



Archived User Coach

Drills for youngsters?

I am about to run my club's frist junior training session of the year and doe anybody know any good ideas for drills or fun games with youngsters (aged between 6-10) who are absolute beginners to cricket?

Archived User Coach


what ball should legspiner bold in slog overs?

Archived User Coach

How do I stop my batsman frequently getting out caught behind?

One of my top batsman is getting out caught behind very often.What kind of drills do you suggest for him to work with .Is playing away from body is the only reason for this.

Satheesh Pachiappan Coach, United States of America

drills for batting practice by yourself?

Since i cannot get someone to have a bowl at me or throw downs as every one is busy in their own parallel worlds, i would like to know if whether there is a drill or two to improve my batting and learn new skills which i can do myself.

Archived User Coach

i want to gain more power while hitting

i am not apply more power while hitting

rohit aditya Coach, India

can you give me coaching points at least 4 points on each skill.

stancegripbackliftforward drive back foot drivehit to leg pull shotforward defensive shotdelivery

Tafara Coach, Zimbabwe

getting more revs with off spin

My 14 year old is not able to get enough flight dip and revs with his off spinners. his stock ball is flat and fast through the air.. the various pitch lengths for junior and senior cricket he plays does not help.. any tips or drills to develop the flighted stock ball hitting the good length would be most helpful . thanks for the help

Sid Coach, England

Power Hitting Drills

I need power hitting drills .can u please suggest me few drill

Kaira Jhones Coach, United Kingdom

what is the grip for hitchhkers thumb?

what's the grip for hitchhkers thumb?

Anil Mattaparthi Coach, United Kingdom

Start of a Session

What is a good game / drill to have setup at the start of a session so players can join in when they arrive (players arriving in drive/drabs/different times)? we usually have the cricket hockey game but can get a bit messy when no bibs etc.

undefined undefined Coach, United Kingdom

no power in shot

when I play a shot like cover drive etc I have no power in shot

THE GUIDER Coach, United Kingdom

Opening Batting - Getting Bowl...

Hi I open the batting for my team and have been getting bowled a substantial amount of times more often then not early in the innings Generally a straight ball/ in swinging to the right hander.I am coming forward to it but seems to misjudge it and ball is generally going between bat and pad although I am thinking I have it covered. Take guard on middle and bat one foot in the crease.Thanks for your help Regards

Archived User Coach

what are the ways to stop gett...

what are the ways to stop getting the ball in the air as a batsman?

Archived User Coach

My son is getting caught out o...

My son is getting caught out on the leading edge when trying to hit through the on side. Any quick fixes???

Archived User Coach

How to stop my U12s using thei...

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Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

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