I ran a coaching session on Sunday where I took along a number of handwritten cards, from which the kids (U11s) could randomly choose "Super Over", "Bowl Off" or "Game Scenario". If they chose the latter, I had another set of cards they could choose from "Wicket Target", "Run Target", "Run Target - but boundaries don't count".Finally, they then draw from some more cards - runs (20-30), max wickets (1-3), overs (3-5).Each game scenario lasted around 10-20 mins, so in our session, we had time for about 4 or 5 scenarios. They appeared to enjoy it, but most of them said they wanted to bowl/bat individually for longer! Kids, eh?The idea behind these if to get them thinking about batting intelligently - rotating the strike, keeping the score ticking over, managing achievable run rates, etc. It's also a chance to give some of them some experience at captaining and having to make key decisions (bowling and batting order, how to place a field for different scenarios).Any ideas for variations I could try would be welcome. My session lasts for 2 hours including warm ups and any specific exercises I want to do beforehand.