The pitch set up has a defending zone and an attacking zone, divided by a midfield channel.
The defending zone and attacking zone have 2 defenders and 2 attackers in each zone. The midfield channel has 2 neutral (no.10) players inside.
The defenders receive the ball from the goalkeeper and play through to one of the neutral midfield players (with the attacking players trying to stop this). The neutral players then play into the attacking players and join the attacking zone to create a 3v2 overload.
Try to score in the opposition goal.
Progression 1: Neutral players are split iinto one player for each team (i.e. one becomes blue, one red). These players are unnoposed to begin with in the central channel (but this makes only one midfield player to play into from the defensive zone).
Progression 2: Central zone players become opposed (i.e. the opposition midfield player can intercetpt etc). The ball can be set back from the midfield players into the defensive players to play through into the attacking zone.
Progression 3: The midfield players can drop into the defensive zone to make a 3v2 overload.
Angle of midfield player to receive.
Body shape of midfield player to be able to play forward into attacking players.
Movement of attackers to create a shot at goal.
in more ways than one
in more ways than one
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