Elite Kicking Action
From the extended position concentrate on lifting your heels up to your seat and turn out your ankles as they reach the highest point. As the feet recover to your seat keep the knees behind the line of the hips, little more than hip width apart. Lift of the knee towards the chest under the body should be avoided. Both feet then kick back, round and slightly downwards with your soles pressing on the water. Avoid one leg kicking deeper than the other. Turning out your ankles is the most important part of the breaststroke kick. A screw kick on breaststroke, whereby one foot is turning outwards and the other inwards is a common problem producing poor propulsion. Develop and execute total symmetry and balance and finish the kicking action with both feet whipping together and toes pointing down to the opposite end of the pool. The kick builds with speed throughout and is often referred to as a 'whip kick'. Work on ankle flexibility to improve correct kicking action.
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