Sportplan has been very helpful in guiding me through my first year as a High School Coach.
Psychology in tennis HELP!!! I have a daughter who is an excellent player who only started playing tennis seriously last yr at the age of 13. She is a much better player than all the people she has completed against in matches but always loses due to over hitting and getting upset if the wrong call is made (which happens frequently due to how fast she hits and serves) do we need some sort of psychological help for this. what is the best way to get this... books, councilling ??? any help would be most appreciated thanks
Coaching tennis to middle school athletes for the first time. How do I begin?
I received your email on 'The Art of Feeding' and like to read your suggestions of drills. When looking at your suggested drills on this newsletter, I would like to ask for a bit of clarification on the coaching point 'as players move sideways they must take last step towards ball at contact'. I thought that the player must have stopped before making contact with the ball. Do you mean that the player's balance takes him into another step at contact? I'm really interested in your drills and plan to make a purchase in the near future. Best wishes, Nick-submitted by email
How do you beat someone who is clearly inferior but just keeps the ball in play?
Last weekend my 10 years old daughter participated in a tennis tournament.Although she reached the final and the game was set at 14%3A30 pm, when we got to the court she started complaining about her belly. She said that had a bellyache and she could not play. The doctor didnât find anything wrong, but he told me that he could not let her play.When we went back she was fine.How do you cope with this situation. I did not say anything to her. I told her that I would like to discuss it with her when she will be ready.Thank you for listening. submitted by email
How many hours must I play tennis ?
I used to play on clay court for 20 years, now it's been two years that I've been exposed to hard court. About my game%3A I have a very good technique on all my strokes including volley, good kick serve, I am 192 cm. My issue%3A I was not taught to play aggressively, now in my matches I don't take the net; consequently, in spite of executing a high level tennis, I loose to some players that I never should. I've read some tennis mental toughness books, I teach them, but I don't know how can I change my own mental set. When I hit top spin (groundies), I enjoy and feel secure, even though it results in my loss and sorrow. I'm ready for change but how?
How can I run drills inside before the weather is okay to go out?
my boy 11 years old he is winning 40-0 and he can finished the game easy when he is serving.but when the oponeten serving and my boy is winning 0-40 he cant finish the game and always he is loosing it
can anyone suggest a tennis tactics on defeating a player who uses looping topspin?this type of player loves to rally, uses high bouncing topspin, and loves long rallies . however his opponent hates long rallies and ends up losing the point. any suggestions ?
I have this player who is 27 years of age, very competitive and driving complete player with great technique on his ground stokes. Basically a great all around player from the baseline and net. I want to challenge him with a intense footwork drill that will tire him out, yet get the necessary hitting time. The more intense and sweat the drill produces the better, I'm the kind of coach where footwork is the basic foundation for all tennis players. I'm open to any suggestions, thank you for your time.
How much is full subscription and what will I get for my money?
I currently coach a 12 year old girl, who when playing well is a huge talent, seemingly playing off her confidence. However, when she makes a mistake she seems to completely shut down and becomes frustrated by the game. Does anyone have any tips about how to keep her confidence after a mistake?
I must pay every month for my membership or just pay for first time
Helo, my name is Fernando, I am a Spanish tennis teacher who started teaching six months ago. I am working in a public sportcenter and I am having some problems with adults. When I started I realiced that the students were used to playing tennis without any control. Young students told me that the other teacher only used to leave them play - he rarely explained them how to hit the ball. Consequently the do enjoy my clases and they are learning a lot and impoving their level of tennis. So far so good, but the problem is that with the adults I have the impression that they don´t like my clases. In fact some of them left the group at the begining. I try to mix different kinds of drills during the class and I usually finish it with a game like for example 21, winner........ But it seems that they don´t enjoy it. During the exercises most of them don´t try to do what I tell them. As a result, they don´t have a good level of tennis. But as far as I know, the other teacher was a tennis player who uses to play against them during the clases. As this is my first time teaching tennis, I don´t fell confidence and that is the reason whay I do´t like to play against them. Appart from that I think that this is not my role as a teacher. So I would like you to tell me how to deal with that situation. I don´t care if they leave me because this is not going to affect my job, but i wouldn´t like them to leave just because I like tennis and I like teaching tennis. Thank you very much for your help. I am sorry for my English. Best wishes!!!!
I would like to add permanent lines for Under 10 tennis and am wondering if anyone has any experience doing this and can help me avoid problems with adult members?
My player doesn't have a great fighting spirit in matches which leads to losing a lot of close games because of the lack of fighting spirit.
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.