- Put a peg (peg 1) into the ground where the right hand front corner of the batting square
- Directly opposite peg 1 put another peg (peg 2) at a distance of 17m. This will be 2nd post
- Take a length of string 24m long and tie a knot in the center 12m
- Tie one end of the strong at peg 1 and the other end at peg 2, and carry the center knot to the right until the string is taught. Place peg 3 here. This will form 1st post
- Mark 3rd post by carrying the knot to the left until the string is taught. Put in peg 4
- Take a length of string 17m long with a knot in the center 8.5m and tie one end to peg 4 and the other to peg 1
- Carry the knot to the left to mark 4th post where the string is taught
- The batting square is 2m square
- The front line is made by marking a line extending 2m from peg 1 towards and in line with 4th post and parallel to the front line of the bowling square
- Mark the other three sides forming a 2m batting square
- The front line of the square is extended for at least 12m by a solid line
- The bowling square is 2.5m square
- To locate the center of the front line of the bowling square, stretch the 17m string from peg 1 to peg 2
- Measure a distance of 7.5m along the string from peg 1
- The front line is then marked 1.25m each side of the string parallel to the front of the batting square
- Mark the other three sides of the bowling square
- To check the bowling square for accuracy stretch the 17m string from peg 3 to peg 4. The string will cut the sidelines of the bowling square 1m from the front line
The not out batters wait at line C, whilst the out batters wait along line D
All lines mentioned are compulsory