A very easy to use website with helpful drills to help my players develop.
hi,How do I make my finished session plans public?
How do I upload a Youtube Video to my session plans?
How do I make my session plans private? or do they stay private unless i share them?
I create my session plans on a desktop. For some reason, when I log into Sportplan on my tablet, it doesn't appear to update so my plans are not visible there so I cannot deliver the sessions "interactively" and have to rely on printing the session out and delivering it via paper form. Can you advise why it doesn't appear to be updating?
Hi, I have paid for a 3 month deal but can't view plans as it says l have to upgrade, l was upgraded to advanced so not sure why l can't access plans, please advise.
I have a premium membership. I show plans locked which I thought the premium membership would give me access to.Also, plans that I created 6 months to a year ago do not open for me to edit.
I am looking to add an assistant coach to my team. Will they be able to assist with creating coaching plans with this access, or do they have to have their own membership? We are trying to keep all of our videos and practice plans in a centralized profile, so it would be helpful if they coudl create from my profile as a team member.
How can I access session plans as only some are avaiable to view
Hi there,Does this app work on tablet devices, and can you create drills and sessions plans on said devices please?As I cannot do this on my iPhone.Thanks
Hello,If I cancel my memebership will I still have access to the drills etc I have saved?Thank-you,Lee .
Hi I have premium subscription but cant open the plansð¡ It keeps saying I must subscribe
how do I put the things I want to do in my training session in one place? I would just fav them but I coach 4 Diffrent age groups
Despite purchasing access, I'm unable to view the videos and plans. I have tried to restart the app multiple times, but the issue persists. Could you please look into this matter and provide a solution at your earliest convenience?
How do you print plans if you have a paid membership
I have just upgraded my membership to Pro. however, I am still not able to open any plans. why is this the case?
I am trying to plan a session for 10-11 year olds in rounders. They are new to the sport. I want to make sure they learn skills as well as have progressions, any ideas? I am also struggling to fit it into the sessionplan template. Help x
whats a drill to do for improvement for a donkey drop bowl in rounders
how can i plan a throwing progressed drill with an example
Can a batter step out of the side of the box to hit the ball?
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.