A very easy to use website with helpful drills to help my players develop.
Been looking over some of the weekly sessions and would like to use some of the drills they use in my session planner but can`t find them when I search for them in the Drill section. Any ideas
what does my subscription allow me to look at
Hi, I have paid for a 3 month deal but can't view plans as it says l have to upgrade, l was upgraded to advanced so not sure why l can't access plans, please advise.
I have a premium membership. I show plans locked which I thought the premium membership would give me access to.Also, plans that I created 6 months to a year ago do not open for me to edit.
I just came across a session where an upgrade is asked?I have a Premium Account
I upgraded my membership last week, but I still can't see premium content. Os there a reason why?
what does premium membership mean
Previously used this app and as I'm coaching again this season I've started using it again, previously never had much of an issue creating different training sessions.However, it seems now it is only possible to save exercises to your clipboard before then having the clipboard appear in your folders (which it has also disappeared for some reason for me)Ultimately the above makes for a really poor user experience where I get frustrated I can't just create a new session each week and place drills in that session. I like having a resource to view potential drills, etc but the above stops me being able to actually use it during a training session.More of a comment than a question but wanted to give my feedback.
Hi I have premium subscription but cant open the plansð¡ It keeps saying I must subscribe
I am trying to plan a session for 10-11 year olds in rounders. They are new to the sport. I want to make sure they learn skills as well as have progressions, any ideas? I am also struggling to fit it into the sessionplan template. Help x
I'm a backstop and I am not really sure what to do as I just started playing backstop.
a colleague says yes but I say no.
cool down activities that summarise a rounder's game either for bowling or bating
whats a drill to do for improvement for a donkey drop bowl in rounders
What is the distance between bases on a rounders field?
Can a batter step out of the side of the box to hit the ball?
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.