Excellent drills, very detailed videos. Useful site for my U15 boys team.
Can any one help me with the new mandantory rule. If a free hit is taken in the 23mts square and is hit back into the centre square am I correct in coaching that it still must be touched by another stick in the 23mts square before entering the circle
Any tips for the new hockey self pass rules
are the new hockey rules ie hitting into the d direct from a free hit being applied to junior hockey
Please explain the rule about the free hit outside the sirkle.
When defending a free hit, in our attacking half of the field, that is close to the sideline, is it best to take away movement to the center of the field or the sideline. I am playing a system with strength in the middle and most teams seem to be faster than we are? How does this adapt to the self-pass?
Hi everyone, I have been hunting for a more detailed explanation on the self pass rule for hockey. My under standing of it is that a self pass must involve the ball moving five meters before it is hit by the player or it must be hit from a dead positon (not moving) I have umpired many games where the players 'tap and hit' the ball, often with another player rushing in to tackle just as the 'tap' is played. This seems dangerous but im not sure if the tackler is playing dangerously or if the 'tap and hit' player is dangerous? I have read the rule book but this rule is not explicit enough. Any interpretaions welcome. Thanks
Does anyone have a simple drill for 7-8yr olds to help with what to do when the whistle blows for a free hit?
player is getting ready to hit free hit. other player on same team is 5 yards away waiting if pass is needed it. defender is right behind her. is tha obstruction?
How best to coordinate subs when they are on the opposite side of the pitch? Without leaving holes in the formation how is it best to perform quick and coordinated subs.
I am a high school coach in the USA. We played a team this past weekend who had a defender who lifted on a free hit 30-40 yards. That was pretty much their only offense. All of their forwards were ready to receive the long balls. How do we defend that? Should I have almost everyone drop back 30-40 yards?
Hi all, I have to do a 30 minute presentation about the attacking principles of the self pass. Will appreciate any help.Thank you
Is there a drill to teach cutting on a free hit? When there is a free hit; how do we get kids to learn how to create space/get open during the hit?
rules of free hit
Hi allI am looking for advice on how to implement processes in my girls school hockey team. processes of setting up presses, defensive structures and counter attacking thinking. I have 14 players in the team from 15 years old to 18. we train twice a week. only a few play club hockey as well. We either play a 3-1-4-2 or a 3-1-3-3.I find it difficult for example, when you want to teach a press on the opposition 16, to simulate gameplay with only 14 players (if they are all at training). I can have my halves setup for taking the 16 and then get my strikers and links to setup, but then I still want defenders to see things from the back but they are taking the 16? Also when taking the 16 they then don't have any support in the drill because everyone else is setting up a press?I know we need to work on our basics in order for the other tactics and skills and game plans to work. However I find it frustrating with this team that on counter attacks for a few reasons which I am struggling to mend;- they only head forward. No one holds up the ball to wait for support.- they run straight and don't use angles- they pass too late and get tackled - they don't have the vision to see an early pass or pass into space- players without the ball do not run into useful positions and angles and get caught out by the person with the ball who then makes a pass to no one and it runs out of play.So suggestions please for;- open, creative but simple counter attacking- teaching processes for presses on free hits and 16s- coaching how to take 16s and work your way out- coaching vision and expecting your players to be in support. RegardsMatt
could someone comment on the 5 yard rule when entering the scoring area? There always seams to be a lot of wrong information regarding this rule.
I'm looking for suggestions on set plays for free hits going into the circle. High school rules in the US now state that all players (attack/defense) must be 7 yards from the ball. What plans will work for drawing corners and goal scoring opportunities?
if a player in possession of the ball intentionally hits the ball at the foot of the opposing player in order to slow down the game or for any other advantage is it permissible,what if the same scenario occurs in the shooting circle.
How do you disguise the slap hit?
hi there I'm using 4-4-2 and on sometimes 3-1-4-2 with a lower level hockey team.I've chosen this over other formations, simply because the hockey experience and ability of my players is not of a high level (and most people have an approximate understanding of 442). Also, I believe that one must choose a formation based on players traits and what they can deliver. For example, I'd ideally prefer to have 3 forwards, to help with more height and width but then would have to either play 3 in the middle or 3 at the back... and my player strengths don't permit this. In short, I simply don't believe I have a strong enough CH / CM to handle 3 in the middle and I'm not convinced that the off-the-ball support from other players is strong enough to allow 3 in the middle. OFFENSIVE PLAYS Anyway, I'm not 100% where to get my centre mids to stand when we have a 16 yd hit to take (i.e. our possession). Obviously one of the CMs comes deep to offer a potential direct outlet from the centre backs or offer an overload option if the ball goes out to the sides (which is more likely, since I've pretty much banned the high risk play of releasing up the middle - we've had far too many turnovers in our final third or quarter because we tried to play up the middle). My players are 'aware' of posting up and leading runs. However, I'm not sure about the 2nd CM. On the one hand I'd ideally like the 2nd CM to come deep as well, in order to potentially help break up the opposition press but by doing so, I distort the midfield and if we do manage to get the ball to one of the CMs, he won't have the 2nd CM in a higher position to release to, etc. DEFENSIVE POSITIONING Can someone suggest, again, about midfield positioning using 4-4-2 or 3-1-4-2, when we are setting up a general press? I have traditionally encouraged man marking, simply because our general positional awareness is weak (which makes zonal play a no-no IMO) + our tracking and attitude to committed defending (i.e. you donât give up if one tackle fails) could be better! However, looking at suggested presses on Sportplan, some zonal positioning seems a necessity and I think if I can help my players make the step, success will come because they've been forced to become more aware of their pitch positioning, etc. Also, looking at some of the presses, it looks like the midfield can go 'flat' to create a barrier... and as I encourage a diamond shape in midfield, I need to explain to my players what to do and when. Sorry for the wordy question. I hope this all makes sense. Regards, Gary
My team have asked for drills to help them at 16s, can anyone help me
in more ways than one
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