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What is the best way to teach a new girl how to shoot a goal? Is it 2 handed with ball above the head and arms stretched up?
Hello Claudine. Well haveing a lot of years of coaching under the belt i guess the first thing to consider is the age of the player. Kids tend adopt many variations. There are many videos and netball books that show very well the way our australian top coaches prefer our goalers to shoot. This is ok and there are to a young player a lot of things to remember. I have found it is best to break it up into section (without the ball) When the actions are looking good add the ball. One of the sections that seams contraditory to me is "line up with the post" I have found that it is better to tell them to "line up with the ring". When practacing their shots first keep them close in using the general programs that can be found in the books or videos. When they become more proficiant push the boundaries. Regards Mark
Hi Claudine, I think Mark from Aus aswered this question well. The one thing I have found helpful is to encourage the players (no matter how young) to hold the ball above their heads right from the start. You will get a few concerned/well meaning parents suggesting that they can't hold the ball up for very long because they are too young etc. But if you get the action right from the beginning, I find the child learns an acceptable style quite quickly and doesn't have to change it too much as they mature.
Hi Claudine It is important to hold the ball above the head with the elbows bent. The ball rests high on the fingertips of the shooting hand, with the other hand supporting the ball. Stand with feet slightly apart. As the shooter prepares to shoot, bend the knees & push upwards towards the ring, putting a small amount of backspin on the ball. Bingo...through the hoop! (we hope)
Hi Claudine, Everyone has given great advice for your shooters. When I teach coaches how to teach their shooters the best technique for shooting, I break it down so that players learning the technique into an acronym. BEEF. B is for balance, feet are shoulder width apart. E is for eyes, they should imagine there is a witches hat sitting above the ring and aim for the point of the hat so the ball DROPS through the ring. E is for elbow, ensure that the arm is extended close to the ear with the elbow facing the ring. When the ball is taken back before releasing the ball, the elbow must remain facing the ring and not move out to the side. This ensures accuracy of the shot always. F is for follow through is the small backspin put on the ball on release. If shooters find that bit hard to grasp then get them to lie on the ground with a ball and tell them to put some backspin on the ball as they continually throw it a metre above them. Mark is right, go through the motions without the ball and look at the technique from side, front and back and give feedback. Then add a ball, if the technique breaks down again, take the ball away and build it up again and then add a ball. Totally agree with the comment that the Netta juniors should be taught close to the correct technique as possible for their age.
There are a few additional pointers I would add in addition to the great answers that have already been provided. Use a circle disc which encourages players to have their feet spread this distance. With younger players I tell them that they are hugging the ring with their feet. Always ensure that the feet are pointing to the post - many will have pigeon toes pointing in or out. 100% agree with the arm up straight and tall above head regardless of age. I use the analogy that the straight arm holding the ball is up against the ear to block out all the yelling. I use an umbrella when coaching. I point this up through the ring and encourage shooters to land the ball on the point of my umbrella - visual aids are so much easier for everybody ! Lastly I encourage a small flick of the wrist to "say goodbye" to the ball. Ensure that the ball in all of these movements is not sitting flat against the palm of the hand but slightly off resting more on fingertips. Good luck - hope this is helpful ?
All of the above add up to to very sound advice. My extra suggestion is to get your GS/GA from your clubs highest teamto run a clinic and get the "experts" to demonstrate their techniques (as long as they're correct!)
lie on the ground and practise shooting up in the air with a straight elbow
Looks like you have some really good advice here, can i sugest a resource for you called "Breaking down the shot" this was developed by Netball Victoria and really good to have.
I also coach 13 year olds, But I have coached them since they were in year 3. When I first taught them by using one hand, flicking it above there heads straight untill they get the feel for it. But also a quick and fun drill that kids might like is, having the shooter lay on the floor on her back flat, then another player standing at her head. Have the shooter take the ball and extend her arms fully upwards, flicking the ball as far and as straight as possible into the air, with the other player catching it if needed. The shooters hand should end up like a "dead spider" effect. It has really helped my shooters, which she is now a state player, shooting like a star %3A)
Steve, how do i get a hold of the resource "Breaking Down the Shot"
remember that the best shooters have the natural eye co-ordination so you really only need to define their rythm and style of the shot, depending on their age and competive nature
feet shoulder wifth apart,
toes face the ring, elbows in line witn the ears,
have one hand on top of the ball and one slightly to the side,
arms extended, push down with the knees (flex knees),
flex the elbows but not past the centre of the head,
eye contact with the opposite side of teh ring,
extend knees and elbows at the same time
flick the wrist and point it towards the ring
in short? bend, stretch, flick
i get my team to grab a ball each and start at the baseline and moving to the oppostie side of the court get them to catch the ball.(i find that the way tey catch the ball has mor accuracy as a shot than when they adjust their hand positions) they then need to square their body up and then flex and extend their elbows
the flick of the wrist at the end of the shot is crucial in determining the height and length of the shot. get them to practice forming a swan (or as my team calls it a dead duck) with their wrists for a more accurate shot.
If a player has not shot before. start teaching them how to land safely without loosing balance, and look at shooting over the post not infront of the ring. The shot comes from height from bending your knees and following thru with arms fully extended and following the shot.
Confidence and paitence needs to be reassured. settle into the position and get them to practice shooting everywhere within the goal circle. some will have comfort places to shoot but this will limit their movement and wont give them the oppporunity to use the whole circle.
Jen Hawke has the great technique which I always teach. Maybe they can remember the word BEES%3A
The only other thing I encourage is to aim towards the back of the post so the shot is high enough.
You need to explain to her about the objective of shooting. You need to show her the main points of shooting. its important for her to realise tht not every goal is giong to go in and that you need to practise, and when you shoot to take her time and go through the steps.
1. Feet shoulder width apart
2. Feet facing the goals
3. Ball in palm
4. Fingers support it
5. Bend the knees and when you shoot go up onto the toes
6. When you shoot the ball make sure that you aim for the middle of the goals and flick your fingers.
Hope this helps.
Well dear the frist thing u have to do it to find out what is the best techque to allow that girl to shoot then u will make a spot on the wall and allow the gilr to try and hit the spot using her knee and the flick of her wrist as support to have a succesful shot.
After allow the girl to take at least 20 and ever day u raise it by 5 to see if that girl improve.
i have found that getting your shooter to lay on the ground ball in their favoured hand (not in the palm of their hand but holding the ball with their fingers) up high bending their elbow a little bit then doing the shooting motion and making sure they flick the ball and if they do this correctly the ball should come straight back down to them and once they have got the hang of this then i get them to shoot with one hand then add the 2nd hand to help steady the ball and after only 3 training sessions my shooters have improved majorly%3A)
To get little ones to get the ball in the right place above their head, I get them to imagine they've got a pizza on a tray in front of them and then take it up above their head (if they're really struggling use a REAL tray!). This ensures their fingers are pointing the right way and the ball is high enough - otherwise the pizza falls off or the tray goes in their eye. Good fun!
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