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This year I was given the u/10 and u/11 netball girls to coach but none of them has ever played netball where do I start
As with anything you start at thing you start at the beginning. basic passing, positions, where everyone is allowed to go. footwork, 3ft, and basic rules. they are not going to look like netball stars for a number of years, but doing drills where they bring the ball down the court by standing in a line and learning to catch and pivot, and running towards the person with the ball to catch it, is a good start. as for the shooters, there are some good drills in here to help them move around the circle and catch and shoot. when i first started coaching, i went to the library and borrowed some netball books to help me understand how to coach a sport i had been playing for 30years. its funny how easy you forget the basics and just assume that these kids will find it easy. keep posting questions in here when you get stuck. and remember, have fun. netball is meant to be fun.
hope that helps
Hi its the first time ive coached a netta team none of them have played netball before where do i start what are some basic drills i can teach the girls.
Leonie, nettas is always challenging, and very cute. i do not envy you at all...lo. but teach the basics, of passing and catching, pivoting, and running onto the ball. then put all three together and teach them to bring the ball down the court. netta has modified rules so make sure you are aware of them. teach passing around the circle, to spread out, and lots of games involving footwork and movement. try and put these skills into lots of fun games so it doesnt become boring. netta is very rewarding at the end of the season when you see many of these girls progress to U10s and you are the one who has given them their basic skills.
in more ways than one
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How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Use our expert plans or build your own using our library of over 700+ drills, and easy-to-use tools.