I've found this resource invaluable and of huge benefit to both my players and myself. Thanks for helping me to improve my coaching.
How do I save a session in pdf format?
My focus is on sitting volleyball and I either have to create my own drills or adapt standing drill which requires lots of trawling, research and innovation. If there are any other coaches who have developed sitting volleyball drills I should very much like to access them and I'm willing to share mine too.
Saving individual drills to PDF would be extremely helpful!
my plan is ready and now i want to share it with the trainers. how can i share the link or pdf Arthur i m in great need. training start in a few hours
How do i save my work as a pdf
pdf does not print now?
how do you print out a coaching plan ?
For some reason, I am unable to open the pdf, just send me back to the homepage? Is there a new link for this as this would be perfect to help me introduce this formation to my team. Any help would be appreciated.
Why when I click on Print to PDF it doesn't allow me to
when I download pdf of plan, its blank. Ive created plan and I've printed it, but I need to email pdf
Sport Plan will not produce PDF or print
When I try to create a PDF of the plan I want it does not create a PDF
Every time I go to create a PDF of my plan I get stuck with this spinning wheel which will not progress. I have tried on the web browser and app and get the same problem
How do you print plans if you have a paid membership
the print preview works but the PDF creation just shows a progress spinner and never finishes.
...where it will list and describe playing terminology such as shave, tackle-back, steal, forehand.
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.