Good exercise to get feet moving and communication flowing. 2 feeders and 2 workers This doesn't have to be in the goal circle; try to be in a court relevant area for the players working The feeders are giving 'anywheres'. One feeder will call 'go' and send lifted ball towards the post The working player in the best position to drive to that ball should do so! (The other player could cover the feeder who just sent the pass) Feeder should initially decide in advance who is making the call (or have a signal to do so) to avoid 2 lifted passes going to same place! Progression One ball, feeders passing to one another Workers off-set to one another working in a small space, looking to cover the whole space with their 'zone' Feeders can pass to each other or drop/pass ball into space Closest defender to feeder with the ball should step up and the other drop React to whether ball is dropped or passed Work for 10 passes then rotate players Progression One of the feeders becomes an attacker, who will try to drive through the defenders to get the ball One defender will look to cover the drive, the other remains in position unless the first defender is beaten If the attacker is covered and looks for a back pass, the second defender could look to intercept the high ball. Try attacker coming both from behind ball and from up court
Feet under body, eyes on ball, angled to still sight post and other worker using peripheral vision. Feeders be sure that the anywheres really shift and challenge the working players VOICES! Always offset to each other to allow the read/lead communication Quick reactions
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in more ways than one
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