Teaching players to run and land on one foot, catch, pivot and pass. Ideal for younger age groups.
Progression 1 Have players line up at cone (A). At the second cone, have a small hoop or draw a circle on the court. Players, head up, straght lead towards circle, land with one foot inside the circle first then ground the second foot outside the circle Progression 2 Remind players to have head up so that they can see where the players and the ball might be. Have thrower with the ball at green cone. As player lands with right foot in the circle throw them the ball. Tjey should be catching the ball as they land with the right foot, then grounding the left foot outside the circle. Progression 3 Do this drill without the ball. Players, straight lead, land with right foot in circle, left foot outside, pivot left foot so that they are facing 90 degrees to the right then push off with outside leg and another straight lead towards cone. Progression 4 Add a ball at each of the straight leads, player head up, right foot land in the circle as pass is thrown, pivot 90 degrees and as they push off pass the ball to the next coned
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in more ways than one
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