Standing in line, all facing one end of the court, the first person faces their team and passes the ball to the first person in the queue who passes it back and then ducks and this process is repated all the way up the line once the last person has the ball they have to run and shot until they score in the post behind them and then to the other post and shot til they score, the line of people all need to take a step back to keep the line of play in the same area. This is repeated until all player have taken the two shots.
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in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.