2 Shooters and 2 Defenders in the goal circle All other players lined up as evenly as possible at 3 corners of the Goal Third (W1, W2, W3) Shooter starts with ball, W1 leads out to receive pass near circle edge. W2 leads to circle edge to receive from W1. W1 clears out to W2 line. W3 leads to circle edge to receive from W2. W2 clears out to W3 line. W3 passes into shooter and then clears out around goal circle to W1 line. Shooter to shoot and then whoever rebounds starts the drill again with a pass to the next W1.
Each Shooter (GS/GA) have their own ball and get same back. Defenders to not overcommit to intercept, but concentrate on defense of the shot and rebounding. ALTERNATIVE 1: No Defenders in Circle. Start with this, especially for the lower ability groups. ALTERNATIVE 2: Only one ball in play. This makes it closer to real game situation. Shooters allowed to use shooter-to-shooter pass to get better position for the shot.
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