Passing routine to introduce and practice creating space on court by clearing out of an area and timing of drive onto the ball. 5 to 8 players line up evenly spaced down the length of the court with each end player next to goal ring. One end player (GK in diagram) has the ball and starts routine by tossing ball high in air. First player in line clears out to cone and returns to receive pass from end, pivot & pass to next player in line who clears out/receives pass and routine continues to end (GS) who continues routine back the other way.
Start slowly until working smoothly. Players to have eyes up and facing ball at all times (no turning away from ball) and need to time clear early enough to be driving onto ball when pass is delivered. Speed up when all is being done correctly, change routine to larger clears, alternate side clears, prelim moves mixed with clears alternately down the line, high passes or spread players out evenly across & down court to clear without cones. With 10 or more players run two lines which can compete against each other.
This practice has no coaching points
This practice has no progressions
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